Retro Akari Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes what data the app Retro Akari collects and receives. The app is designed to use as little data as possible. It explicitly DOES NOT collect or share sensitive personal information, such as your name, gender, age or contacts.


Retro Akari may use Google's AdMob advertising service. AdMob's privacy policy is available here. They may retain your device's advertising identifier and link it with info gathered from their other services in order to deliver personalized ads (ads relevant to your specific interests). We have no access to any information held by Google. You can opt out of interest-based advertising through your device settings. The iOS mobile device may provide a "Limit Ad Tracking" setting. On Android devices, your settings may allow you to "Opt out of Interest-Based Ads".


Retro Akari uses Google Firebase as an analytics service. Firebase privacy policy is available here. It may collect items like your session length, in-game settings and levels completed.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy and/or practices, please send an e-mail to

This Privacy Policy may be updated to follow new regulations.